3rd Round with last years winner!
18 August 2023
Thursday 17th August saw the return of the Redbridge Rounds after the holiday season…
It turned out to be very hot, very humid and the course was lush after the Wednesday storms which brought thunder and lightning along with the torrential rain.
Only Tim could attend in the end as Will axed himself, literally. Richard was a man on a mission and had to drop out due to that mission being impossible.
Tim started really well, but a costly double on the 3rd hole slowed the scoring down, with another bogey to come on hole number 5 (where I witnessed a shot which despite a solid connection, only progressed a couple of centimetres…downwards).
After his second double on the 7th hole (par 3’s are tough) the last two holes provided more bogeys and the final tally was 17 pts.